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La retraite de Britney Spears, best-seller author 👩🏼‍💻


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La transcription (trouvée sur le net) pour ceux qui le souhaitent : 

" I can totally understand why my family would have a problem with me doing my own thing. Maybe because I never have. I’m sure it is a little bit different and a touch lighter, me not being responsible for three 18-wheeler trucks with tour equipment and thousands of people to be responsible for on tour, and dad and Robin [Greenhill] in the corner of every room I’ve had to be in for the past 20 years.

So Jayden, as you undermine my behavior, just like my whole family always has with, ‘I hope she gets better. I will pray for her.’ Pray for what? I keep working so I can pay off mom’s legal
fees and her house? Do you guys want me to get better so I can continue to give your dad 40 grand a month? Or is the reasoning behind you guys deciding to be hateful is because it’s actually over in two years and you don’t get anything?

I will say it. I sat in that kitchen and looked you straight in the eyes beautiful boy and said ‘how come I can’t see you guys anymore,’ or just see you guys more? I look forward to seeing you guys weekly. You said ‘momma, oh, it’ll change.’ You and your brother left me in that house always two hours early. Preston would sleep, and you would play the piano the whole time, and if I didn’t shower you guys with gifts, and have amazing food ready and play a mother f**king saint, it was still never good enough. That one time I asked you and looked you straight in your eyes, ‘I want to see you more,’ you called your dad, and I never saw you again. I didn’t do anything wrong, and I know I’m not perfect. But the love I’ve given you and how much I adore you and your diplomatic ways speaking like Paw-Paw, self entitled, ‘this can be fixed, I will see her when she’s better.’ Jayden, it was a miracle. I could even have a normal conversation when I got out of that place. You were just like my other family. You secretly loved looking at me as something was wrong with me.

I didn’t need a family hiding s**t in houses and whispering s**t behind my back. Feeling subconsciously guilty because I paid for every f**king thing in both homes. I needed unconditional love and support. But guess what? The whole twist of it all, which would have made a little bit more sense, I was in the greatest state I’d ever been. Because I was actually able to speak up 100% and say ‘no, it saddens me not one of you valued me as a person.’ You’ve witnessed me [sic] how my family has been to me and that’s all you know. Like I said, I feel you all secretly like to say something’s wrong with me. 

Honestly, my dad needs to be in jail for the rest of his life. But like I said, God would not allow that to happen to me if a God existed. I don’t believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me. There is nothing to believe anymore. I’m an atheist, y’all."


Ça me rend tellement triste pour elle. Les enfants ont été vraiment été transformés par leur père et le clan Spears, et la mission a été réussie. 

Son message précédent sur son Instagram était encore plein d'amour pour ses fils. Elle les aime, c'est évident. 
On sent la tristesse dans sa voix, mais également une sorte de résignation. 
Je ne sais pas comment tout cela va se terminer. 

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Il y a 8 heures, Haunted a dit :

Ce qu'elle dit de ses enfants est aussi très vrai pour les fans ou autres observateurs, notamment sur ce topic.

  Oui elle a raison dans ce qu’elle dit, mais encore une fois ce sont des choses qui devraient être réglé en privé.


Elle a déjà supprimé son vocal sur Instagram, comme si elle assumait pas 

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Je trouve ça ridicule sa façon de faire par contre. Elle dit des choses très pertinentes et de manière très audibles/posées dans ses audios pour les supprimer 2h après. Je trouve que ça décrédibilise son point de vue, et ça lui donne un côté kikoulol/bipolaire qu'elle n'a quasi plus (auprès du grand public) depuis le mouvement #FreeBritney, les reportages et le jugement en sa faveur. 

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il y a 3 minutes, Jill Valentine a dit :

C'est sa famille (Jflop, Kflop) qui décide de le faire en public et elle devrait continuer à fermer sa gueule comme elle était obligée de le faire pendant 13 ans ? Vous êtes chtarbés. Go gurl défonce les tous. Ils le méritent. 

Je suis totalement d’accord. Ils le font en public alors normal qu’elle fasse son droit de réponse en public, je comprends totalement qu’elle n’ait pas envie de se faire passer pour la folle ou la menteuse dans cette histoire.

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  • Tonyo changed the title to Britney Spears | Crossroads : Cross Harder (23.10) / The Woman In Me (24.10)
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