Albums et singles de Pixies
Live from Victoria Curling Club, Victoria, BC. April 21st, 2004
1. |
Debaser - Live from Victoria Curling Clu |
2. |
Cactus - Live from Victoria Curling Club |
3. |
Bone Machine - Live from Victoria Curlin |
4. |
River Euphrates - Live from Victoria Cur |
5. |
Crackity Jones / Something Against You - |
6. |
Tame - Live from Victoria Curling Club, |
7. |
Hey - Live from Victoria Curling Club, V |
8. |
Gigantic - Live from Victoria Curling Cl |
9. |
Mr. Grieves - Live from Victoria Curling |
10. |
La La Love You - Live from Victoria Curl |
11. |
Where Is My Mind? - Live from Victoria C |
12. |
Vamos - Live from Victoria Curling Club, |
13. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Victoria Curlin |
14. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Victoria |
15. |
Gouge Away - Live from Victoria Curling |
16. |
Broken Face - Live from Victoria Curling |
17. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Victoria Cur |
18. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Victoria |
19. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Victor |
20. |
Caribou - Live from Victoria Curling Clu |
21. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) |
22. |
Into the White - Live from Victoria Curl |
Live from MacEwan Hall, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. April 19th, 2004
1. |
Bone Machine - Live from MacEwan Hall, U |
2. |
River Euphrates - Live from MacEwan Hall |
3. |
Cactus - Live from MacEwan Hall, Univers |
4. |
I Bleed - Live from MacEwan Hall, Univer |
5. |
U-Mass - Live from MacEwan Hall, Univers |
6. |
Velouria - Live from MacEwan Hall, Unive |
7. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from MacEwan Hall, |
8. |
Gouge Away - Live from MacEwan Hall, Uni |
9. |
Hey - Live from MacEwan Hall, University |
10. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from MacEwa |
11. |
Broken Face - Live from MacEwan Hall, Un |
12. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from MacEwan Hall |
13. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from MacEwan H |
14. |
Debaser - Live from MacEwan Hall, Univer |
15. |
Tame - Live from MacEwan Hall, Universit |
16. |
La La Love You - Live from MacEwan Hall, |
17. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from MacEwan |
18. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from MacEwan Hall, U |
19. |
Ed Is Dead - Live from MacEwan Hall, Uni |
20. |
The Holiday Song - Live from MacEwan Hal |
21. |
Vamos - Live from MacEwan Hall, Universi |
22. |
Gigantic - Live from MacEwan Hall, Unive |
23. |
Something Against You - Live from MacEwa |
24. |
Head On - Live from MacEwan Hall, Univer |
25. |
Planet of Sound - Live from MacEwan Hall |
26. |
Into the White - Live from MacEwan Hall, |
Live from Red's-West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, AB. April 18th, 2004
1. |
Dead - Live from Red's-West Edmonton Mal |
2. |
Subbacultcha / I Bleed - Live from Red's |
3. |
Is She Weird - Live from Red's-West Edmo |
4. |
U-Mass - Live from Red's-West Edmonton M |
5. |
Caribou - Live from Red's-West Edmonton |
6. |
Velouria - Live from Red's-West Edmonton |
7. |
Mr. Grieves - Live from Red's-West Edmon |
8. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Red's-We |
9. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Red's-West |
10. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Red's-West Edmo |
11. |
Vamos - Live from Red's-West Edmonton Ma |
12. |
Hey - Live from Red's-West Edmonton Mall |
13. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Red's- |
14. |
Gouge Away - Live from Red's-West Edmont |
15. |
Debaser - Live from Red's-West Edmonton |
16. |
Gigantic - Live from Red's-West Edmonton |
17. |
Broken Face - Live from Red's-West Edmon |
18. |
Isla De Encanta / Something Against You |
19. |
River Euphrates - Live from Red's-West E |
20. |
Tame - Live from Red's-West Edmonton Mal |
21. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) |
22. |
Where Is My Mind? - Live from Red's-West |
23. |
Into the White - Live from Red's-West Ed |
Live from Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK. April 17th, 2004
1. |
Bone Machine - Live from Prairieland Par |
2. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Prairieland P |
3. |
Cactus - Live from Prairieland Park, Sas |
4. |
U-Mass - Live from Prairieland Park, Sas |
5. |
River Euphrates - Live from Prairieland |
6. |
Where Is My Mind? - Live from Prairielan |
7. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Prairiel |
8. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Prairieland |
9. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Prairieland Par |
10. |
Vamos - Live from Prairieland Park, Sask |
11. |
Hey - Live from Prairieland Park, Saskat |
12. |
Caribou - Live from Prairieland Park, Sa |
13. |
I Bleed - Live from Prairieland Park, Sa |
14. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Prairi |
15. |
Gouge Away - Live from Prairieland Park, |
16. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Prairiela |
17. |
Debaser - Live from Prairieland Park, Sa |
18. |
Tame - Live from Prairieland Park, Saska |
19. |
Gigantic - Live from Prairieland Park, S |
20. |
Into the White - Live from Prairieland P |
21. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) |
22. |
Isla De Encanta / Broken Face - Live fro |
23. |
Something Against You - Live from Prairi |
24. |
Levitate Me - Live from Prairieland Park |
Live from Doris Knight Hall, Regina, SK. April 15th, 2004
1. |
Planet of Sound - Live from Doris Knight |
2. |
Bone Machine / Cactus - Live from Doris |
3. |
Levitate Me - Live from Doris Knight Hal |
4. |
Debaser - Live from Doris Knight Hall, R |
5. |
Broken Face - Live from Doris Knight Hal |
6. |
Tame - Live from Doris Knight Hall, Regi |
7. |
Velouria - Live from Doris Knight Hall, |
8. |
U-Mass / Crackity Jones / Something Agai |
9. |
Vamos - Live from Doris Knight Hall, Reg |
10. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Doris Knigh |
11. |
Where Is My Mind? - Live from Doris Knig |
12. |
Ed Is Dead - Live from Doris Knight Hall |
13. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Doris Kn |
14. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Doris Knight Ha |
15. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Doris |
16. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Doris Kni |
17. |
Gouge Away - Live from Doris Knight Hall |
18. |
Dead - Live from Doris Knight Hall, Regi |
19. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Doris Knight |
20. |
Gigantic - Live from Doris Knight Hall, |
21. |
Into the White - Live from Doris Knight |
22. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) |
23. |
La La Love You - Live from Doris Knight |
Live from Burton Cummings Theatre, Winnipeg, MB. April 14th, 2004
1. |
Winterlong - Live from Burton Cummings T |
2. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Burton Cummings |
3. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Burton Cumm |
4. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Burton C |
5. |
Vamos - Live from Burton Cummings Theatr |
6. |
Blown Away - Live from Burton Cummings T |
7. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) |
8. |
Bone Machine - Live from Burton Cummings |
9. |
Subbacultcha - Live from Burton Cummings |
10. |
Cactus - Live from Burton Cummings Theat |
11. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Burton |
12. |
Is She Weird - Live from Burton Cummings |
13. |
Debaser - Live from Burton Cummings Thea |
14. |
Gouge Away - Live from Burton Cummings T |
15. |
Crackity Jones - Live from Burton Cummin |
16. |
Something Against You - Live from Burton |
17. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Burton Cummi |
18. |
Broken Face - Live from Burton Cummings |
19. |
Head On - Live from Burton Cummings Thea |
20. |
Tame - Live from Burton Cummings Theatre |
21. |
Gigantic - Live from Burton Cummings The |
22. |
Into the White - Live from Burton Cummin |
23. |
Where Is My Mind? - Live from Burton Cum |
24. |
La La Love You - Live from Burton Cummin |
Live from Fine Line Music Cafe, Minneapolis, MN. April 13th, 2004
1. |
Bone Machine - Live from Fine Line Music |
2. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Fine Line |
3. |
U-Mass - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe, |
4. |
Levitate Me - Live from Fine Line Music |
5. |
Broken Face - Live from Fine Line Music |
6. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Fine L |
7. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Fine Line M |
8. |
Winterlong - Live from Fine Line Music C |
9. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Fine Line Music |
10. |
La La Love You - Live from Fine Line Mus |
11. |
Ed Is Dead - Fine Line Music Cafe, Minne |
12. |
Here Comes Your Man - Fine Line Music Ca |
13. |
Vamos - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe, |
14. |
Debaser - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe |
15. |
Dead - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe, M |
16. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Fine Line Mus |
17. |
Tame - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe, M |
18. |
Gigantic - Live from Fine Line Music Caf |
19. |
Gouge Away - Live from Fine Line Music C |
20. |
Caribou - Live from Fine Line Music Cafe |
21. |
Isla De Encanta / Something Against You |
22. |
Velouria - Live from Fine Line Music Caf |
23. |
In Heaven / Wave of Mutilation - Live fr |
24. |
Where Is My Mind - Live from Fine Line M |
25. |
Into the White - Live from Fine Line Mus |
Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. May 1st, 2004
1. |
Bone Machine - Live from Coachella, Indi |
2. |
U Mass - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. |
3. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Coachella, I |
4. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Coachella |
5. |
Broken Face - Live from Coachella, Indio |
6. |
Cactus - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. |
7. |
Caribou - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA |
8. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Coachella, In |
9. |
Gouge Away - Live from Coachella, Indio, |
10. |
Tame - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. M |
11. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Coache |
12. |
Debaser - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA |
13. |
Velouria - Live from Coachella, Indio, C |
14. |
Hey - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. Ma |
15. |
Gigantic - Live from Coachella, Indio, C |
16. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Coachella, Indi |
17. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Coachell |
18. |
Vamos - Live from Coachella, Indio, CA. |
19. |
In Heaven / Where Is My Mind - Live from |
20. |
Into the White - Live from Coachella, In |
Live from Brixton Academy, London. June 5th, 2004
1. |
Head On - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
2. |
U-Mass - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
3. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Brixto |
4. |
Cactus - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
5. |
Caribou - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
6. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Brixton Acade |
7. |
Broken Face - Live from Brixton Academy, |
8. |
Crackity Jones - Live from Brixton Acade |
9. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Brixton Acad |
10. |
Something Against You - Live from Brixto |
11. |
Hey - Live from Brixton Academy, London. |
12. |
Mr. Grieves - Live from Brixton Academy, |
13. |
I Bleed - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
14. |
Velouria - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
15. |
Dead - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
16. |
Gouge Away - Live from Brixton Academy, |
17. |
Tame - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
18. |
Gigantic - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
19. |
River Euphrates - Live from Brixton Acad |
20. |
Debaser - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
21. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Brixton A |
22. |
In Heaven - Live from Brixton Academy, L |
23. |
Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from |
24. |
Where Is My Mind - Live from Brixton Aca |
25. |
Blown Away - Live from Brixton Academy, |
26. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Brixton |
27. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Brixton Aca |
28. |
Vamos - Live from Brixton Academy, Londo |
Live from Brixton Academy, London. June 4th, 2004
1. |
Bone Machine - Live from Brixton Academy |
2. |
Crackity Jones - Live from Brixton Acade |
3. |
River Euphrates - Live from Brixton Acad |
4. |
Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from |
5. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Brixto |
6. |
I Bleed - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
7. |
Caribou - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
8. |
Cactus - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
9. |
Broken Face - Live from Brixton Academy, |
10. |
Something Against You - Live from Brixto |
11. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Brixton Acad |
12. |
Hey - Live from Brixton Academy, London. |
13. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Brixton Acade |
14. |
Dead - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
15. |
U-mass - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
16. |
Gigantic - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
17. |
Velouria - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
18. |
Ed Is Dead - Live from Brixton Academy, |
19. |
In Heaven - Live from Brixton Academy, L |
20. |
Where Is My Mind - Live from Brixton Aca |
21. |
Mr. Grieves - Live from Brixton Academy, |
22. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Brixton |
23. |
Holiday Song - Live from Brixton Academy |
24. |
Vamos - Live from Brixton Academy, Londo |
25. |
Into the White - Live from Brixton Acade |
26. |
Gouge Away - Live from Brixton Academy, |
27. |
Debaser - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
28. |
Tame - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
29. |
Planet of Sound - Live from Brixton Acad |
Live from Brixton Academy, London. June 3rd, 2004
1. |
La La Love You - Live from Brixton Acade |
2. |
Ed Is Dead - Live from Brixton Academy, |
3. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Brixton |
4. |
Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from |
5. |
Crackity Jones - Live from Brixton Acade |
6. |
Isla De Encanta - Live from Brixton Acad |
7. |
Something Against You - Live from Brixto |
8. |
Broken Face - Live from Brixton Academy, |
9. |
Mr Grieves - Live from Brixton Academy, |
10. |
Hey - Live from Brixton Academy, London. |
11. |
Is She Weird - Live from Brixton Academy |
12. |
Gouge Away - Live from Brixton Academy, |
13. |
Tame - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
14. |
Debaser - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
15. |
Bone Machine - Live from Brixton Academy |
16. |
Levitate Me - Live from Brixton Academy, |
17. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Brixto |
18. |
Velouria - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
19. |
I Bleed - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
20. |
Gigantic - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
21. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Brixton Academy |
22. |
Vamos - Live from Brixton Academy, Londo |
23. |
Where Is My Mind - Live from Brixton Aca |
24. |
U-mass - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
25. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Brixton A |
26. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Brixton Acade |
27. |
Caribou - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
28. |
Cactus - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
29. |
Into the White - Live from Brixton Acade |
Live from Brixton Academy, London. June 2nd, 2004
1. |
Winterlong - Live from Brixton Academy, |
2. |
Nimrod's Son - Live from Brixton Academy |
3. |
The Holiday Song - Live from Brixton Aca |
4. |
Here Comes Your Man - Live from Brixton |
5. |
Vamos - Live from Brixton Academy, Londo |
6. |
In Heaven - Live from Brixton Academy, L |
7. |
Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - Live from |
8. |
I Bleed - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
9. |
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Live from Brixto |
10. |
Bone Machine - Live from Brixton Academy |
11. |
Velouria - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
12. |
Dead - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
13. |
Number 13 Baby - Live from Brixton Acade |
14. |
Subbacultcha - Live from Brixton Academy |
15. |
Gouge Away - Live from Brixton Academy, |
16. |
Caribou - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
17. |
Hey - Live from Brixton Academy, London. |
18. |
Cactus - Live from Brixton Academy, Lond |
19. |
River Euphrates - Live from Brixton Acad |
20. |
Debaser - Live from Brixton Academy, Lon |
21. |
Broken Face - Live from Brixton Academy, |
22. |
Something Against You - Live from Brixto |
23. |
Tame - Live from Brixton Academy, London |
24. |
Gigantic - Live from Brixton Academy, Lo |
25. |
Wave of Mutilation - Live from Brixton A |
26. |
Into the White - Live from Brixton Acade |