Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Useless ID > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Useless id

State Is Burning

1. Land of Idiocracy
2. Stopwatch
3. Borrowed Time
4. How to Dismantle an Atom Bomb
5. Creation
6. Genetic
7. State Is Burning
8. Novice
9. Lonely Man
10. Night Shift
11. 45 Seconds
12. Without a Choice
13. Detune
14. We Don't Want the Airwaves
15. Closer to the Edge

We Don't Want the Airwaves

1. We Don't Want the Airwaves
2. Right Wing Fascist Killing Spree
3. Tension
4. State Is Burning (Acoustic)

The Lost Broken Bones

1. Isolate Me
2. Killing a Ghost
3. Mouse in a Maze
4. Undecided
5. Blood Pressure
6. Shallow End
7. Night Stalker
8. Always the Same
9. Misconception
10. Already Dead
11. Give It Up
12. One Way Down
13. What Are the Odds?
14. Dissolve
15. Fading Out
16. X on Revolution
17. My Alter Ego
18. Show Time
19. Unpopular Again


1. Live or Die
2. Before It Kills
3. Normal with You
4. Erratic
5. Manic Depression
6. Sleeping with Knives
7. Symptoms
8. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
9. New Misery
10. Waiting for an Accident
11. Fear in the Mirror
12. Somewhere

The Lost Broken Bones

1. Isolate Me
2. Killing A Ghost
3. Mouse In A Maze
4. Undecided
5. Blood Pressure
6. Shallow End
7. Night Stalker
8. Always The Same
9. Misconception
10. Already Dead
11. Give It Up
12. One Way Down

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