Accueil > Artistes > Metal, Neo Metal > Danforth > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Danforth


1. Bender

Beatdown Basterds

1. Ready For Combat
2. Look At Me And Fuck You
3. Representz
8. Society's Prey
9. Timebomb
11. Protect Ya Chest
12. Standing Strong, Living Through
13. Greed
15. Vengeance Over Victory
16. Fick Die Bude Kaputt

No Fear 2 Bleed

1. Intro
2. Justice
3. Predator
4. Lie Empire
5. Skizophrenia
6. Back 2 Trouble (feat. Gui Hardside & Seb

Paris Rising

1. The Hard Core
2. Face the Truth
3. Skizophrenia
4. Little Bitch

Destroy The Past

1. Bloody Earth
2. Spit Your Lies
3. Versus (feat. 91AllStars)

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