Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Caged Animals > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Caged animals

Escape Artist

1. These Dark Times
2. Get It Through My Heart
3. Wildflowers
4. Night Dances
5. Making Magic
6. The Man Who Walked Alone
7. Solid Steel
8. Escape Artist
9. Ghost Riding
10. Chris Metallic
11. The Oak and the Shrub
12. Lost in the Sand
13. Shadows

Ghost Riding

1. Ghost Riding

These Dark Times

1. These Dark Times

Night Dances

1. Night Dances


1. Wildflowers

The Overnight Coroner

1. The Overnight Coroner Attends A Party
2. Working On The Downfall
3. The Turnaround
4. The Last One At The Party
5. The Overnight Coroner Finds What He's Lo

In The Land Of Giants

1. Too Much Dark
2. Stop Hurting Each Other
3. Cindy+Me
4. The Sound of Thunder
5. U + Yr Rocketship
6. The Mute + The Mindreader
7. Tiny Sounds
8. We're Playing With Fire
9. A Psychic Lasso
10. In The Land Of Giants
11. (you're a giant now)
12. What You're Looking For


1. Cindy+Me
2. Blood $$$

This Summer Ep

1. This Summer I’ll Make It Up To You
2. Burnt Butterfly
3. She Oughts To Be In Malibu
4. I Will Take My Own Hand
5. ^^ & Away

This Summer

1. This Summer I'll Make It Up To You
2. Burnt Butterfly
3. She Oughts To Be In Malibu
4. I Will Take My Own Hand
5. ^^ & Away

Eat Their Own

1. Teenagers In Heat
2. This Summer I’ll Make It Up To You
3. Teflon Heart
4. Hazy Girls
5. Piles Of $$$
6. The NJ Turnpike
7. Feelingz
8. All The Beautiful Things In The World
9. Somebody To Use
10. Lips That Turn The Light To Fire
11. Instant <3breaker
12. Eat Your Own

Eat Their Own

1. Teenagers In Heat
2. This Summer I'll Make It Up To You
3. Teflon Heart
4. Hazy Girls
5. Piles Of $$$
6. The NJ Turnpike
7. Feelingz
8. All The Beautiful Things In The World
9. Somebody To Use
10. Lips That Turn The Light To Fire
11. Instant <3breaker
12. Eat Your Own

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