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Game Of Thrones - (Saison 8 ⚠️ Spoiler)


Ultime saison, ultime sondage  

102 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la saison 7 ?

    •  The North Remembers : la vengeance d’Arya Stark sur les Freys
    •  Dragonstone : le retour de Danaerys sur ses terres natales
    •  L’attaque d’Euron Greyjoy sur les flottes Martell et la mort des Sand Snakes
    •  Bend the knee : la rencontre houleuse entre Jon Snow et Danaerys
    •  The Queen’s Justice : Cersei se venge de la mort de sa fille sur Ellaria Sand
    •  Le retour de Bran et Arya Stark Winterfell
    •  Tell Cersei it was me : l’ultime révélation de Olenna Tyrell à Jamie Lannister
    •  The Loot Train Attack : Danaerys déverse feu et sang sur l’armée Lannister
    •  Beyond The Wall : Jon Snow et son équipe pris au piège par les morts-vivants sur le lac gelé
    •  Les multiples retrouvailles à King’s Landing lors des négociations avec Cersei dans le Dragonpit
    •  Power is Power : le procès et l'exécution de Littlefinger
    •  Fire & Ice : la révélation sur la réelle identité de Jon Snow
    •  L’attaque du Mur par le Night King sur le dos de Viserion et l’arrivée des morts-vivants à Westeros.
  2. 2. Qu’est-ce qui vous a déçu dans la saison 7 ?

    •  Les ellipses temporelles à répétition et l’accélération globale de l’histoire
    •  Le scénario mal maitrisé et plus pauvre que jamais
    •  Les conseils ratés de Tyrion Lannister auprès de Danaerys
    •  L’intrigue sans queue ni tête à Winterfell entre Sansa, Arya et Littlefinger
    •  Jon Snow prête allégeance à Danaerys car he knows nothing
    •  Le ratage complet de l’épisode Beyond The Wall, de toute façon cette expédition c’était encore une idée de Tyrion...
    •  Tout m’a déçu lors de cette saison, de toute façon cette série est nulle (réponse spéciale pour Covenant)
  3. 3. Au-delà d’un excellent scénario, de superbes visuels et d’une conclusion digne de ce nom, qu’attendez-vous de l’ultime saison ? (Mode fan service activé ou pas)

    • Que Danaerys récupère le trône qui lui est dû
    •  Ou bien qu’elle meurt dans la souffrance, car elle ne vaut pas mieux que son père
    •  Que Cersei obtienne vengeance sur tout ceux qui l’ont trompée et trahie
    •  Ou bien que la prophétie du Valonqar se réalise, lui apportant ainsi sa chute
    •  Que Jon Snow accepte son rôle d’héritier légitime des Sept Couronnes
    •  Ou bien qu’il reste l’homme simple qu’il a toujours été et reste à Winterfell
    •  Que les visions de Bran Stark (aka The Three Eyed Raven) nous révèlent un ultime twist du feu de dieu
    •  Que Tyrion serve enfin à quelque chose
    •  Qu’Arya Stark et Gendry ouvrent leur coeur l’un pour l'autre
    •  Que Jamie ou Tormund avoue son amour à Brienne
    •  Que Mélissandre revienne enfin de Volantis avec des révélations
    •  Peu importe car ils vont tous crever et c’est le Night King qui va régner
  4. 4. Qui selon vous est le « Prince That Was Promised » ou « Azor Ahai » selon la prophétie des Prêtres Rouges ?

    •  Danaerys Targaryen
    •  Jon Snow
    •  Beric Dondarrion
    •  Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
    •  Aucun d’entre eux
    •  Personne, c’était juste une jolie histoire inventée par Mélissandre pour coucher avec Stannis
  5. 5. Qui provoquera la fin de Cersei Lannister (prophétie du Valonqar) ?

    •  Jamie Lannister
    •  Tyrion Lannister
    •  Euron Greyjoy
    •  Arya Stark
    •  Sansa Stark
    •  Son propre enfant à naître
    •  Quelqu’un d’autre
    •  Personne, elle sortira vivante de toute cette affaire
  6. 6. A la fin de l’histoire, qui sera sur le Trône de Fer ?

    •  Cersei Lannister, The Mad Queen
    •  Danaerys Targaryen, The Mad Queen 2
    •  Jon Snow, The White Wolf
    •  Danaerys et Jon Snow (happily ever after)
    •  Gendry Baratheon, First of His Name
    •  The Night King
    •  Quelqu’un d’autre
    •  Personne, le Trône de Fer n’existera plus à la fin de l'histoire

Messages recommandés

Mais d'ailleurs comment on le sait qu'elle l'est


Elle devient stérile à cause de la malédiction de la sorcière dans la saison 1.


D'ailleurs on nous le rappelle souvent qu'elle ne peut pas avoir d'enfants, encore dans l'épisode 5 elle dit à Jon que ses dragons sont ses seuls enfants et sont les seuls qu'elle aura.


Ou encore dans l'épisode 6 quand elle parle de succession avec Tyrion

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Ouais je me rappelais plus de la malédiction.


Btw je suis choquée car je savais pas / avais oublié que tout le script de la saison 7 avait fuité en octobre. Bizarre que ça ne se soit pas plus propagé que ça... du coup j'ai lu y'avait quoi au prochain épisode bref.

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Je ne vais certainement pas les lire. J'ai déjà regretté pendant des mois d'avoir eu connaissance de certains leaks de la saison 7. Je vais partir en Alaska sans connexion internet jusqu'à l'année prochaine je pense.


Faut compter sur Convenant pour les lire avant tout le monde et venir fanfaronner dans le topic ensuite.

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Voilà ce que seraient les spoilers de l'épisode 7, à savoir le dernier de cette saison pour les petits curieux trop impatients :




1. DragonPit

* News reaches Dany that the unsullied were defeated

* Jon is talking with Varys about Lyanna's death

* Varys tells him the only one who would know is Howland Reed

* Drogon and Rhaegal fly over KL,

* Qyburn announces there are Targaryan Sails in Blackwater Bay.

* Cersei, Jaime and Euron are seated inside the Queen's box.

* Davos, Brienne, Dany and Missandei enter the Dragonpit.

* Jon, Tyrion, The Hound and Jorah Mormont are stopped at the gates by Bron.

* But Cersei orders them all to came forward.

* Dany and Cersei argue about who rules Westeros.

* Which goes no where, so Cersei turns her attention to Tyrion.

* Cersei saids there will be no peace has has that little monster lives, Tyrion saids nothing.

* Cersei offers a trade Tyrion for the captive unsullied

* She refuses

* Cersei offers to Pardon Jon Snow for deserting the nights watch if he bends the knee, he refuses. * * Euron asks what Jon has brought in the covered cage. Jon tells him Death.

* Jon starts speech about the long night, the night king and the white walkers return.

* Euron walks up to Jon and Laughs in his face.

* Dany urges that the 7 kingdoms must unite or face something worse than death.

* Cersei tells Dany there will be no parley has long has the talk about white walkers persist.

* Jaime walks down from the private box and the doors are shut.

* The Lannister forces draw there swords and Cersei orders them all to be killed.

* Tyrion gets in position by the cage and Dany summons Drogon & Rhaegal.

* Has the fighting begins, Euron kills Jorah

* Jaime has the dragon gun Qyburn build.

* Jaime Manages to wound Rhaegal, censing Rhaegals pain Jon gives the signal and Tyrion releases the wight.

* The wight leaps out of the cage and starts killing everything in sight.

* Everyone stops in there tracks.

* The queens guard form ranks around Cersei. No one can stop the wight,

* Cersei orders the mountain to fight the wight. But he can't defeat him.

* Jon steps forward and stabs the wight with dragon glass.

* The wight shatters into a hundred pieces.

* There is nothing but silence in the dragon pit.

* Drogon lands in front of Jaime, Tyrion knowing whats about to happen runs to protect Jaime. * Tyrion urging Dany to stop, but Dany does not listen she saids Drecarys to Drogon.

* He is about to burn Tyrion and Jaime alive

* Jon steps in-between Dragon And Jame and Tyrion.

* Jon gains control of the dragon, while Jaime and Tyrion get to safety.

* Drogon fly's off and Jon gives a speech about if they lose.

* They will face the true hell a eternity of living death without rest.

* Euron asks Jon if those needs can swim, Jon tells him no.

* So Euron saids he's going back to Pike.

* Cersei and Tyrion make a parley, in return for the Lannister Army.

* Jon can remain King in the North but only if Dany drops her claim

* Dany, Jon & Tyrion accept the Terms.


2. Red Keep

* Jaime meets with Cersei, Jaime informs Cersei that his troops are mobilizing from the Lannister Barracks outside the Dragons Gate.

* Cersei saids no, our army won't be traveling north. She says the north are fighting a army they can not defeat.

* Cersei also says she hopes the army of the dead win's.

* Jaime is furious, he tells her if that happens the night king will come south.

* Cersei knows, when the army of the dead come south she will lure them into KL and set off the remaining Wildfire.

* Then she saids her and jaime will rule from Casterly Rock.

* Jaime tells her no he will ride north with Jon Snow.

* Cersei yells at him, You know if you ride north you will die.

* Jaime says nothing and walks out leaving Cersei crying.



3. Winterfell

* Sam & Bran are meeting

* He shows Bran the Document on Lyanna & Rhaegar's wedding

* Bran has a flash back to Lyanna & Rhaegar

* With Bran admitting that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna's son

* We see LF creeping he has heard everything.

* Arya see's Jaqen H'gar, he tells that she has exposed there secret to most of Westoros

* And if she plays the revenge game any further She will lose her element of surprise

* Gendry arrives at Winterfell

* Gendry and Arya Reunite

* Sansa has called a special meeting

* LF begins by announcing his Engagement to Sansa

* Arya yells at Sansa what else

* LF wants crown Sansa Queen in the North

* LF says he has Evidence that Jon is not the son of Ned Stark

* But Jon is the Son of Rhaegar Targaryan

* Sam and Bran exchange looks

* LF calls on Sam Tarley, Who LF says has researched it at the citadel

* Sam confirms it he shows the document to the other lords

* Then LF turns to Bran and saids a crippled boy can not produce any heirs

* LF turns to salute the Queen in the North

* Has do most of the lords

* Arya has to be held back by Gendry

* She saids it is time for the real truth

* She tells the story about how LF betrayed Ned

* The Attempt to kill Bran after he was crippled

* How he convinced Lysa to poison Jon Arryn

* She turns to Lord Royce and says she lied about Lysa's death

* Everyone stands to there feet

* Sansa has her back to LF

* He pulls out a dagger and makes a move towards Sansa

* Arya tackles to him

* Then she takes his dagger stabbing him in the head killing him

* After the shock Sansa tells everyone that Jon is the true king

* And he will lead them into the long night

* Sansa, Arya, Sam, Bran & Meera are all in the crypt

* They are paying their respects

* Arya asks how will they tell Jon The Truth

* Sam corrects Arya

* His name is Aemon and Sam begins to cry after Maester Aemon of the Night watch

* The 2nd Document was his birth document

* Sansa saids our brother King Aemon 1st of his name

* Bran orders Meera & Sam to the kings road to escort Aemon to Greywater for the final proof

* Meera's Father Howland Reed


4. Red Keep

* Cersei see's Jaime & Bronn Riding out of KL.

* Then she begins to have pain, she collapses and is bleeding. This will be the cliffhanger


5. Kings Road

* Brienne asks Tyrion if Cersei was bluffing,

* Tyrion says Maybe but Jaime wasn't.

* Then they see Jaime and Bronn

* Jaime rides up to Jon and saids he will fight with him.

* Jaime suggests they ride to Casterly Rock to free the remaining unsullied

* Brienne and Jaime exchange smiles and the group heads West to Casterly Rock


6. Euron's Ship The Silence

* Euron has destroyed the iron banks fleet

* And Took back his gold

* Euron walks below the decks on the silence.

* We see Aaron Greyjoy imprisoned. along with a Warlock from Quath and a Red Priest from Volantis.

* He tells Aeron they are going to get the golden company

* Aeron asks where is Yara is Euron tells his man to bring her.

* We see Yara 8 to 9 months Pregnant.

* Aeron is Terrified and Euron just laughs.


7. Targaryan Ship in route to White Harbor

* Before they leave Theon tells Jon he will stay behind and rescue Yara

* Dany is with Jon

* They are Traveling to White Harbor.

* Dany talks about losing the iron throne at the Dragon Pit,

* Dany saids no she thinks they will all die in the war.

* Jon agree's

* The 2 kiss and make love.


8. Volantis

* Melisandre has traveled to Volantis to meet with the other high priests and priestess's.

* She informs them of Jon Snow and Beric Dandarrion's resurrections.

* And the WW are massing north of the wall, preparing for a attack on Westeros.

* They order Melisandre back to Westeros to Help Jon Snow.

* She informs them she has been banished from Winterfell.

* The High priest rips off her red neckless.

* We see the old lady Melisandre and she takes her leave and travels to Winterfell.


9. The Citadel

* News of the WW's return has reached the Maesters

* Marwyn will lead a group to Winterfell

* The other group will go to KL


10. Beyond The Wall

* The Army Of The Dead are marching to the wall

* We see The Night King flying on Visirion

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