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Last Night Mariah Saved My Life

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Merci pour la réponse mais je pensais à un remix du genre celui de WBT[Et sur lequel tout le monde s'accorde!],pas vraiment celui de Morales..

Mais je serai preneur quand même!! :)


J'ai pas compris...en tout cas, pour TMB, aucun remix à part celui de morales n'est rechanté...donc TMB morales en force! :P

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Nouvelle review de l'opus ( traduction demain lol ), la plus GIGANTESQUE jusqu'à présent:


It's been a lengthy three years since Carey's highest selling album in over 10 years, "The Emancipation of Mimi". Some may ask how you can possibly top an album that sold over 6 million copies in the U.S. alone, and included one of the most successful singles in history. That's easy, just take some time off, write infectiously catchy songs, lose a few pounds, and your well on your way. This probably has to be the best way of describing what Carey has done this time around. E=MC2 is full of glossy undeniably fun tunes, ultimate club bangers, and of course, emotionally filled ballads that are guaranteed to win more fans over with every listen, and rival even Carey's best efforts such as Butterfly on an overall level. The 6-octave range songbird continues to spread her wings and soar, creating songs that you will still be able to listen to long after her career is over. I was able to listen to half of the album, and I must say that Mariah Carey just keeps getting better and better.


Touch My Body - The first single from E=MC2 is in no way groundbreaking, but instead a light, fluffy, flirtatious song that uses many of modern day influences to make for a easy listening track that will burn the airwaves. I must say, I almost caught myself singing along with Carey as she coos, "If there's a camera up in here, best believe it's gonna leave when I do." Though the lyrics may not be up to par with what Carey is capable of, the pure sassiness and the catchy chorus that this song obtains has Carey rolling closer towards the record books with scoring her 18th #1 single.


That Chick - One of the clear highlights of the album carries a bouncy 80's groove that will bombard its way into your stereo. Produced by Stargate, this is Carey's best up-tempo song since Fantasy. It's amazingly addictive, and was scientifically manufactured to be a monster. That Chick carries a flavor that blends pop music with classic R&B. It's cool, radio friendly, and Mariah's vocals are outstanding. A smooth ravishing sound similar to Neyo's "Because of You" but with the sensual risqué touch of "Heartbreaker". I must say, this is on my top 3 list of Mariah Carey up-tempos, and easily her best song in a very long time.


Loving You Long Time - Since the late 90's Carey has been incorporating a more Hip Hop sound into her music, edging closer with every effort since then, but never deserting her R&B roots. This is exactly the way to describe this song. It's a true club banger, which may give Carey the street credibility that she has always strived for. From the beginning to the end of the song, the DJ Toomp produced track, hits you hard in a way that Carey has ever attempted. It's almost like a fully fledged Hip Hop groove that even tough men would enjoy listening too. Not to fast R&B lovers, Carey still gives us a taste of her origins with the piano influence sequence embedded throughout the song. Weird how Toomp could produce such a heavily based Hip Hop song without straying away from R&B huh? But I must say, they definitely pull it off.


Thanx for Nothin - What more can you say when you put together Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri besides pure genius. As a team, they put together some of the most touching love songs ever imagined. In this song, nothing has changed. And embedded mixture of "The Roof and "Breakdown", Thanx for Nothin, brings true R&B music back to what many have longed for in the past decade. No it's not a We Belong Together Part II or even similar, but instead it brings back the 90's melodrama soulful lyrics that Carey once wrote, and combines it with today's vibe which makes it another stand out track.


Migrate - This song has to be the record with the most potential to be all out worldwide hit. It's that type of song that you could never get tired of listening to because it always keeps you moving. Honestly, you would have to be a robust zombie from Guam not to enjoy this track. Carey alongside hit maker machine T-Pain makes this a candidate for one of the biggest and most popular songs in the last 5 years. Produced by Timbaland's right hand man, "Danja", this song will have everyone singing, "When we go to the club we Migrate." Truly great material that will have all naysayers who believe Carey never makes club bangers eat their words. Topped off by the trademark robotic sounds of T-Pain and the spine tingling high notes of Carey, Migrate is a hit waiting to happen.


Cruise Control - Over the past few years, we have been hearing lots of Caribbean based artists on radio with infectious dance beats and thick accents. In Cruise Control, Carey explores a new area of her artistic side by adding a strong Reggae influence to the song. The unique sound of Damien Marley combined with a pretty brave attempt from Carey to add a Reggae tone to her voice makes this song very interesting to say the least. I am one who gives credit where it's due, and I must say, if you didn't know this was Carey, you would easily think she was of Caribbean decent. Though it's not one of my favorites from the new album, it's a very solid record.


Bye Bye - This entire review has been a pleasure for me, but I must say that no other song from this album makes me as excited as Bye Bye. From the first listen, it's a classic. It's a song about loss and regret, dedicated to all of the people in the world who have lost someone. Carey belts, "I wish I could say what I wanted to say but bye bye." Brings tears to your eyes every time. Though the song is very emotional, it still has a very radio friendly touch to it (As being produced by Stargate of course) will leave you breathless from start to finish. This very well could challenge Carey's most classic songs like "Hero" or "One Sweet Day", and if anyone believed for a minute that Carey's voice was decaying, her voice will be like ice cold lemonade on a hot summers day.

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Je le redis, avec toutes ces bonnes critiques, je m'attends a un album de FOU.

J'en attends énormément à présent, et j'ai très peur d'être décue. pense qu'au final, je serais très décu... :nan:


edit: je ne traduis pas, la review est beaucoup trop elogieuse à mon goût...elle a été d'ailleurs fait par un fan d'aguilera...

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Au fait, M.Goodnight tu dois être fou de joie étant donné que thanx for nothing ressemble à the Roof et à Breakdown.


lol, je préfère oublier ce passage...parce que si au final, c'est pas ç tomberais du 30ème étage... :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:


En tout cas, si l'album est vraiment comme les critiques le disent (deux dont celle ci disait que l'album était aussi énorme que butterfly)...2008 sera son année...y'a qu'usher qui pourrait lui faire revoir ses plans lol...mais alors janet, out et madonna et son rnb travesti pas crédible :rolleyes: ...demain, on sera fixé sur migrate en tout cas! :) ( ça fait peur... )

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vous vous faites mal avec toutes ses reviews :rolleyes: , tjrs écouter avant, son propre avis ne vaut jamais celui d'un autre !


J'suis bien d'accord...reste qu'on a que ça pour l'instant donc on les post, on peut même les commenter...


Sinon, quelqu'un sait si SNL peut se regarder en direct sur internet?

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L'album sort dans un mois!


Pour Morales & Mariah le truc qui fait que ses remixs sont énormes à mon gout c'est sa voix dans tout les remixs de Morales, elle se laisse allez et c'est pas retouché en studio pendant des heures! Si seulement ses albums étaient vocalement comme tous ses remixs je serais carrément aux anges:

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