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Phase 3: Réajustement - Ventes De Tous Les Artistes à Plus De 30m...

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Soundtrack - Pulp Fiction (1994)

USA : 4.200.000

Canada : 425.000

Argentine : 75.000


Australie : 300.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 60.000


Europe : 4.920.000

- UK : 1.700.000

- Allemagne : 700.000

- France : 750.000

- Espagne : 300.000

- Pays-Bas : 150.000

- Suède : 250.000

- Autriche : 70.000


Estimations Mondiales : 11.000.000



Soundtrack - O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

USA : 8.100.000

Canada : 550.000


Australie : 100.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 10.000


Europe : 1.000.000

- UK : 370.000

- Allemagne : 50.000

- France : 225.000


Estimations Mondiales : 10.300.000



Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane (2003)

USA : 4.800.000

Canada : 425.000

Brésil : 100.000

Mexique : 140.000

Argentine : 105.000


Japon : 550.000


Australie : 400.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 85.000


Europe : 3.570.000

- UK : 2.000.000

- Allemagne : 250.000

- France : 325.000

- Espagne : 100.000

- Italie : 200.000

- Pays-Bas : 140.000

- Suède : 65.000

- Suisse : 45.000

- Autriche : 30.000

- Finlande : 25.000


Estimations Mondiales : 11.000.000




Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (2004)

USA : 6.300.000

Canada : 575.000

Brésil : 75.000

Mexique : 70.000


Japon : 80.000


Australie : 450.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 60.000


Europe : 2.720.000

- UK : 1.550.000

- Allemagne : 400.000

- France : 70.000

- Espagne : 10.000

- Italie : 20.000

- Pays-Bas : 120.000

- Suède : 85.000

- Suisse : 90.000

- Autriche : 35.000

- Finlande : 15.000


Estimations Mondiales : 10.800.000

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Salutations à tous sur ce topic.

Nouveau venu, je viens d'en parcourir les 89 "premières" pages en deux soirs.

Travail remarquable, MJDangerous. Sans doute le plus sérieux que j'ai pu lire, après avoir parcouru un sacré paquet de sites, en français comme en anglais, notamment UKMIX, où tu officies aussi, Chairman Sony-BMG...

Bon, j'arrête la pommade et j'en viens à ce qui m'intrigue.


1- Beatles solo .

J'arrive, à 1 ou 2 millions près, aux mêmes estimation près que toi pour Paul McCartney. Un seul étonnement : "Tug of war", en 1982, que tu mets à 500.000 en France. Je l'aurais plutôt vu dans la fourchette 200.000-300.000...

Pas de trace de Lennon dans ta liste, que j'évaluerais au-delà des 50 millions. Idem pour George Harrison, que je situerais entre 30 et 35 millions ("All things must pass" est surement déjà à lui seul autour des 8 millions, non ?). Normal pour Ringo Starr, peut-être vers 10-12 millions ? L'ordre de grandeur te paraît crédible ?


2- Beach Boys : ils devraient forcément y être, au vu de l'énormité de leur discographie depuis 1962 et du succès qu'ils ont remporté, en particulier dans les pays anglo-saxons.


3- Who : sans pouvoir être comparés aux Beatles ou aux Stones, difficile, pour moi, de les imaginer à 30 millions...


En espérant que tu trouveras le temps de te pencher sur ces sujets...

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  • 2 semaines après...

Hello MJDangerous, glad to see here again. :mrgreen: Hope there is no problem I'm using my english. Can I request for an update in Queen.... again? :blush: I remember, that a while ago, you told me that you haven't finished your work on them, so I thought that you could finally throw us un apdate for this band.


I read that you are currently working on several sub-lists to put together each album that has sold at least 10 copies worldwide. This means that if you make some further researchers on both "A night at the opera" and "News of the world" (maybe "Made in heaven" too, who knows), they could jump to the 10-million selling albums club, what do you think?. :blush: So a Queen update would be really helpull this time.

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Greatest Hits (1981) :

USA : 9.400.000

Canada : 1.500.000 (#7 (6) 1981 / #3 (43) 1992)

Brésil : 250.000+

Argentine : 600.000


Australie : 1.000.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 150.000 (#1 (110))


Japon : 400.000

Singapour : 20.000

Hong Kong : 10.000 (83)

Corée du Sud : 550.000


Afrique de Sud : 100.000+


Europe : 11.750.000

- UK : 5.250.000

- Allemagne : 1.950.000

- France : 600.000

- Italie : 400.000

- Espagne : 325.000

- Pays-Bas : 550.000

- Suède : 150.000

- Suisse : 300.000

- Autriche : 215.000

- Finlande : 55.000


Estimations mondiales : 27.600.000


Just a further addition. Numbers in bold are a bit low, in my opinion. In my excel document, I have 9,750,000 for USA. Because we know for a fact that it had shipped at least 7,000,000 by december 2002. From februay 2003 to may 2008, this title sold 1,877 k, and a further 730 k for the "We will rock you - edition" (released in 2004). This would its total at at least 9,600,000. So with some sales during december 2002, january and early february 2003, this one has achived around 9,750,000.


Another interesting fact is that it sold 1,000,000 and 150,000 in both Australia and New zealand, respectively, but since 1984 and up to 2007. With its original sales properly added, this album would most likely be 1,200,000 in Australia, and about 190-200k in New Zealand.


And for UK, the total is conservative, I think. Remember that it had shipped 3,300,000 by the end of 1991. Then it sold 1,794,307 (from july 1992 to 2006). This means that we have 5,094,307 as a basis. But we have missing:


-First half of 1992 (shop sales)

-Club sales for 1992 and the first half of 1993 (remember that those clubs provided by Jimmipage59 always go as far back as july 1993 (while shop go to july 1992)

-2007 and sales so far this year.



According to my estimation, it sold 150k during the first of 1992 (shops), and around 120k club sales during 1992 and the first half of 1993. You can add at least 86,500 sold during 2007 and some 25,000 this year. To sum up:


Up to 1991: 3,300,000

July 1992 onwards: 1,794,307

Missing club sales: 120,000

Missing shops sales (first part of 1992): 150,000

2007: 86,500

2008: 25,000 (estimated)


So even with some conservative sales figures, I get as much as 5,475,000 (estimated), and this is assuming that, when it was certified in 1992, it had just sold or shipped 3,300,000, and no other copy, which is unlikely, I would say.


As for Finland, it's cerified from 1984 onwards, for 55,000 copies shipments. Add some of its origonal sales, and probably around 70k by now (no less than that). Spain, Netherlands (it sold 242,000 cds only from 1994 to may 2003, an average of 26,000 copies a year), and Germany are a bit on the conservative side.


I'm not claiming that i'm right and you are wrong, I'm just providing some usefull comments that can make your estimations look as much perfect as possible. And even using several methods, I always get between 29 and 31 millions for this album.

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MJDangerous, you forgot to update Dire straits at the very first post of thos topic. If I go to their page I see them over 100m+, but they are still well over below that mark at the first page, no?.

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Salutations à tous sur ce topic.

Nouveau venu, je viens d'en parcourir les 89 "premières" pages en deux soirs.

Travail remarquable, MJDangerous. Sans doute le plus sérieux que j'ai pu lire, après avoir parcouru un sacré paquet de sites, en français comme en anglais, notamment UKMIX, où tu officies aussi, Chairman Sony-BMG...

Bon, j'arrête la pommade et j'en viens à ce qui m'intrigue.


1- Beatles solo .

J'arrive, à 1 ou 2 millions près, aux mêmes estimation près que toi pour Paul McCartney. Un seul étonnement : "Tug of war", en 1982, que tu mets à 500.000 en France. Je l'aurais plutôt vu dans la fourchette 200.000-300.000...

Pas de trace de Lennon dans ta liste, que j'évaluerais au-delà des 50 millions. Idem pour George Harrison, que je situerais entre 30 et 35 millions ("All things must pass" est surement déjà à lui seul autour des 8 millions, non ?). Normal pour Ringo Starr, peut-être vers 10-12 millions ? L'ordre de grandeur te paraît crédible ?


2- Beach Boys : ils devraient forcément y être, au vu de l'énormité de leur discographie depuis 1962 et du succès qu'ils ont remporté, en particulier dans les pays anglo-saxons.


3- Who : sans pouvoir être comparés aux Beatles ou aux Stones, difficile, pour moi, de les imaginer à 30 millions...


En espérant que tu trouveras le temps de te pencher sur ces sujets...

Alors déjà merci beaucoup ! Au sujet des artistes, je ne peux pas vraiment dire si Harrison est à plus de 30m, ça se joue à rien il faudrait l'étudier de près pour en juger réellement. Mais tu as vu juste pour tous les autres, les Who, les Beach Boys et John Lennon sont tous à plus de 30 millions, principalement dû à de larges catalogues qui continuent de se vendre confortablement au fil des années. Ils sont tous les 3 à ajouter.


Et si Mozart aussi avait fait + de 30millions?!

Mozart a fait 0 ! Il n'a rien enregistré de lui-même, l'enregistrement n'existait pas à son époque... Il a des compositions à son nom, qui sont toujours jouées par d'autres sur CD. Quand ces CD regroupent uniquement des compos de Mozart, alors le CD porte son nom, mais ce n'est pas vraiment des ventes au même titre que les autres de ce topic.

Par exemple André Rieu lui a vendu beaucoup de disque, on les compte pour lui et non pour les compositeurs (vu que lui ne sait rien composer).

Quand bien même on voudrait étudier les ventes éditées au nom de 'Mozart', ça serait totalement impossible !


J'ai lu que la BO de Sound of music avait bien marché, ça donne quoi en chiffres? Pour un film qui a apparemment fait un milliard de dollars depuis sa sortie ça doit pas être ridicule, enfin je crois ^^;

Cette BO a fait 2 millions en UK, sûrement 1 million en France aussi. Elle a était des mois, voir des années #1 selon les pays, seulement, en dehors de 2-3 pays, les ventes ne sont pas énormes, vu que les ventes étaient infime à l'époque par rapport à aujourd'hui. Je n'ai retrouvé aucune archive pour cette BO en Europe en dehors de France/UK, apparement elle ne s'est pas vendu partout, à l'inverse de d'autres (type West Side Story).


Cela m'étonnerait fort mais bon, Janis Joplin n'a t-elle pas atteint les 30M ? Il me semble que son Best-of de 1973 est 7 fois Platine aux USA ... Sans compter le succès de Pearl et ceux qu'elle a eu avec ses groupes.

Le problème c'est que je n'ajoute pas les ventes solos + groupes, et qu'en solo elle n'a pas sorti grand chose. Alors même si Pearl a été un énorme carton dans le monde entier, le marché était faible à l'époque, et si les best of ont des ventes si élevés, c'est parce que toutes les ventes catalogues s'y sont concentrés. Je ne pense pas qu'elle ai fait 30m en solo avec une discographie si maigre.


Hello MJDangerous, glad to see here again. :mrgreen: Hope there is no problem I'm using my english. Can I request for an update in Queen.... again? :blush: I remember, that a while ago, you told me that you haven't finished your work on them, so I thought that you could finally throw us un apdate for this band.


I read that you are currently working on several sub-lists to put together each album that has sold at least 10 copies worldwide. This means that if you make some further researchers on both "A night at the opera" and "News of the world" (maybe "Made in heaven" too, who knows), they could jump to the 10-million selling albums club, what do you think?. :blush: So a Queen update would be really helpull this time.

Hi Hur ! No problem with using English here ! Yes I really have to fully update Queen this time. GH1 is obviously to low as you pointed out, mainly because it sold loads since my last update. That's the problem with all albums selling from 500k to 1m worldwide per year, figures are outdated almost as soon as they are posted !

My list of 10m selling albums is up to 214 albums, not sure about NOTW but ANATO is likely to join the club. Now that I will not post on UKmix anymore, I will have a bit more time to work here. I promise you to work on Queen soon.


And thanks to point out the Dire Straits figure, indeed I missed to update the first page !

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Thank you, really looking forward to it. I know that the following will be somewaht helpful for your research, so here I post some numbers that we have been able to get and put together:


New Zeland (up to 2003):


Greatest Hits 142,436 9 x Platinum


Greatest Hits 2 151,458 10 x Platinum


Greatest Hits 3 16,732 1 x Platinum


Greatest Hits 1 & 2 65,719 4 x Platinum


Platinum Collection 20,652 1 x Platinum


The Works 24,041 1 x Platinum


A Kind Of Magic 35,023 2 x Platinum


Live Magic 22,895 1 x Platinum


The Miracle 29,044 1 x Platinum


Made In Heaven 54,062 3 x Platinum


Innuendo 15,415 1 x Platinum


Live At Wembley 17,208 1 x Platinum


Queen rocks - 7,500 (gold)

The game - 10,000 (1980, gold)


Except for the last two, all of the others were unofficial certifications, that their record company didn´t bother to get. They are while contract with EMI, which picked their back catalog in 1984, hence it starts with "The works" released in that same year, which means that "Greatest hits 1" is missing its previous sales (it peaked at #1 in 1981, during 5 weeks between november and decembers, and charted many weeks during that year and 1982). So it sold 142,000 from 1984 to december 2003, which would mean roughly 160,000 sold just since 1984 up to now (which fits with its certification achived of 10 platinum, denoting shipments of between 150 and 165k). Add its original (it was a massive seller), and it probably sold between 190 and 205k in New Zealand).



There is an important remark about Spain. In december 2004, EMI provided the following information from their very first ever cd there in 1985 (Greatest hits, re-issued from 1981) to their last:


1985 – Greatest hits I - 182,700

1986 – A kind of magic - 207,695

1986 – Live magic – 109,418

1989 – The miracle – 164,969

1991 – Innuendo – 137,861

1991 – Greatest hits II – 660,606

1992 – Live at wembley ’86 – 202,278

1994 – Greatest hits I & II – 198,260

1995 – Made in heaven – 281,785

1997 – Queen Rocks – 74,203

1999 – Greatest hits III – 85,633

2000 – Platinum collection – 197,591

2004 – Queen on fire – 33,000


Total: 2,536,000


However, in a press release, they stated that their total albums sales (cds only yet again) was as much as 3,200,000. I hold an email from EMI marketing Spain, claiming that the others 664,000 were sold via their old albums switched to cd. This actually means that their old album put together (counting "Queen" from 1973 to "The works") sold combined a minimun of 664,000 cds only which would mean roughly 700,000 copies sold counting all formats (cds, cassettes and vinyls). Those were re-issued in 1986, so this figures goes back to that year. So around 700k for 12 albums (10 studio albums, one live albums, and 1 soundtrack) between 1986 to 2004. Not that it is particularly strong but pretty decent in my opinion.


Thta's the reason why I think that your numbers for their 70's albums are low in general, even if theiy didn't have an great chart-running, because, with some catalog sales, they achived quite sloid numbers. For example, how much of those 700k does "A night at the opera" represent?. No idea, but in both USA and UK (1,000,000 and 312,000 from early 90's up to 2006) it represented as much as 25% of all their studio albums relased between 1973 and 1984. So if Spain was ruled by similar trends, that would mean that ANATO probably sold around 175k (say, between 150 and 200k between 1986 and 2004). I know that it sounds like a bit too much, but it was pretty good. It charted at number 92 in 2006, and then again at 77 during 2007, so it's far from an "all time big albums", but not terrible either. If it sold 90,000 in Argentina, and just from 1988 to 2000, that number pointed out doesn't sound like a lot. It looks like it sells enough for a platinum by about 15 or 20 years in many key markets. And the same for their others albums.


Here some official numbers from EMI for Australia:


1984 - A night at the opera - 70,000 (since 1984)

1984- Greatest hits - 1,000,000 (since 1984)

1984 - The works - 70,000

1986 - A kind of magic - 70,000

1986 - Live magic - 35,000

2000 - Platinum collection 70,000


And Mexico:


1981 - Greatest hits - 250,000 (platinum)

1991 - greatest hits 2 - 250,000

1991 - Innuendo - 150,000 (up to july 1992)

1995 - Made in heaven - 100,000 (up to january 1996)

1980 - The game - 100,000


In Argentina, "Live magic" was certified platinum for sales for its cd only, from 1990 to 2001. Total sales easily around 150,00 by now.


I hope this helps.

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I have ended a breakdown regarding Luis Miguel sales worldwide, and I came up with a quite surprising total pf over 40,000,000 copies. The problem is that the work is made up of loads of assumptions and conjectures, but it does give us an idea of how much he may have sold.


Several trends to note:


-For some albums, we only know his sales in Argentina, so that makes rather difficl to gauge a total for the whole continent, Latin America. But as it can be seen from "Romances" (released in 1997) onwards, most of his albums sold twice or three time as much in Mexico as in Argentina. So I assume that if albums like the aformentioned sold 1,250,000 in Mexico, then his previous classic (most notably "Romance" and "Segundo romance") sold slightly more than that, I have them at 1,750,000 and 1,500,000, respectively. So here is a problem, of course, this is too mch of an assumption, should I work that way with such possibly flawed method?. Well, maybe my numbers are wrong, but hopefully this work represents a first attempt to have an estimated (more valid than this). I hope MJDangerous can read this, and eventually, of new information is known, correct this.


-He achieved just moderate sale sin brazil, although rather amazing for a spanish singer. Good sales for USA (he was never someone like Rcky Martin), and huge numbers for Spain since about 1997, even if I thought that his sales were stronger there.


1+1= 2 enamorados (1982)

Mexico: 500,000


Total worldwide: 600,000


Directo al corazón (1982)


Total: *


Decídete (1983)


Total: *


Palabra de Honor (1984)


Total: *


Yo nunca más (1984)


Total: *


Luis Miguel canta en italiano (1985)


Total: *


Fiebre de amor (1985)


Total: *


También es rock (1987)


Total: *


Warner music grupo


Soy como quiero ser (1987)


-Latin America: 500,000

Argentina: 180,000


Worldwide: 700,000


Busca una mujer (1988)


-Latin America: 750,000

Argentina: 270,000


Spain: 100,000


Worldwide: 1,000,000


20 años (1990)


-Latin America: 1,000,000

Argentina: 300,000


Spain: 100,000


Worldwide: 1,300,000


Romance (1991)

Latin America: 3,500,000

Mexico: 1,750,000

Argentina: 1,100,000

Brazil: 100,000+


Spain: 200,000

USA: 1,250,000

Thailand: 25,000

Brazil: 150,000


Worldwide: 5,300,000


América & en vivo (1992)


Latin America: 300,000

Argentina: 90,000


Worldwide: 500,000


Aries (1993)

Latin America: 2,600,000

Mexico: 1,500,000

Argentina: 720,000


Spain: 150,000

USA: 500,000


Worldwide: 3,500,000


Segundo Romance (1995)

-Latin America: 2,700,000

Mexico: 1,500,000

Argentina: 850,000

Brazil: 125,00


Spain: 200,000

USA: 1,100,000


Worldwide: 4,200,000


Nada es igual (1996)

-Latin America: 2,000,000

Mexico: 1,250,000

Argentina: 450,000


Spain: 200,000

USA: 500,000


Worldwide: 2,900,000


Romances (1997)

-Latin America: 2,400,000

Mexico: 1,250,000

Argentina: 700,000

Chile: 160,000

Venezuela: 25,000

Brazil: 125,000


Spain: 800,000

USA: 1,000,000


Worldwide: 4,400,000


Amarte es un placer (1999)

-Latin America: 1,300,000

Mexico: 700,000

Argentina: 350,000


USA: 500,000

Spian: 600,000 #1


Worldwide: 2,700,000


Vivo (2000)

-Latin America: 900,000

Mexico: 550,000

Argentina: 180,000


USA: 400,000

Spain: 300,000


Worldwide: 1,800,000


Mis romances (2001)

USA: 400,000

Spain: 300,000


-Latin America: 900,000

Mexico: 600,000

Argentina: 120,000


Worldwide: 1,800,000


Mis boleros favoritos (2002)

USA: 200,000


Worldwide: 500,000


33 (2003)

USA: 200,000


-Latin America: 800,000

Mexico: 500,000

Argentina: 120,000


Worldwide: 1,100,000


México en la piel (2004)

-Latin America: 1,100,000

Mexico: 800,000

Argentina: 100,000


USA: 400,000

Spain: 100,000


Worldwide: 1,700,000


Grandes éxitos (2005)

-Latin America: 600,000

Mexico: 400,000

Argentina: 40,000


USA: 200,000

Spain: 80,000

Worldwide: 1,000,000


Navidades de Luis Miguel (2006)

Latin America: 750,000

Mexico: 500,000

Argentina: 40,000


USA: 100,000

Spain: 80,000


Worldwide: 1,000,000


Cómplices (20)

Worldwide: 1,000,000


Total *: 2,500,000

Budget compilation and box sets: 1,500,000+


Total: 40,400,000

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Concernant Cyndi Lauper,mondialement les 30 millions d'albums vendu sont largement acquis!!!

Je travail actuellement sur le Topic Chiffre De Ventes qui est en cours et qui me facilite pas la tâche non-plus ^_^



- "She's So Unusual": ~16,5 millions vendu atteints en 2002 annoncé & classé dans le classement "Rolling Stone" -

Meilleure Vente D'albums De Sa Carrière!



- "True Colors" : ~12 millions vendu - 2ème Meilleure Vente D'albums & L'album contiendras quelques "Tubes En

Puissances"(True Colors,What's Going On...) - 1ère Tournée Mondiale en 86/87.


- "A Night To Remenber": ~ 5 millions vendu - 1er Album Flop,les ventes chutes - Elle se Mari & Se Retire.



- "Hat Full Stars": ~ 4 millions vendu - 2ème Flop (Echec Commerciale) - Album Personnel.



- "12 Deadly Cyns":~6 millions vendu - Des Ventes Comme D'antan.



-"Sisters Of Avalon": ~1 million vendu - 3ème Flop - 2ème Album Personnel.



-"Merry Christmas": ~350k - Re-Flop.



-"Shine": ~350k - Flop.



-"At last": ~(2.5 million où +) - L'album est un Succès.



-"The Body Acoustic": ~350k - The Flop Acoustic!



-"The Best Of": ~800/1.000ex - Déçevant!! :wacko:



-"Bring Ya To The Brink": ~38k - 18e au Japon(14k) - 41e aux Usa(12k) - 40e au Canada(10k?) - 97e en Uk (1.5k?).




*Totale World: ~48 millions D'albums Vendu.

** + De Détails par Pays prochainement dans mon Topic!!!

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