Accueil > Artistes > Musique Chorale et Vocale > Nils-Eric Fougstedt

Albums et singles de Nils-Eric Fougstedt

Les titres les + vus de Nils-Eric Fougstedt

Ecouter 2 Songs: I. Hostsang (Autumn Song)
2 Songs: I. Hostsang (Autumn Song)
Ecouter 2 Songs: II. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Andantino
2 Songs: II. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Andantino
Ecouter 2 Songs: III. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Adagio
2 Songs: III. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Adagio
Ecouter 2 Songs: IV. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Scherzo
2 Songs: IV. Sommarsvit (Summer Suite): Scherzo
Ecouter 2 Traditional Songs: I. Den bergtagna (Possessed)
2 Traditional Songs: I. Den bergtagna (Possessed)
Ecouter 2 Traditional Songs: II. Jag vet utan en jungfru (I know About a Maiden)
2 Traditional Songs: II. Jag vet utan en jungfru (I know About a Maiden)
Ecouter 3 Songs: I. Ett ensamt skidspar (A Lonely ski Trail)
3 Songs: I. Ett ensamt skidspar (A Lonely ski Trail)
Ecouter 3 Songs: I. Tiga blott (Just be Silent)
3 Songs: I. Tiga blott (Just be Silent)
Ecouter 3 Songs: I. Under haggarna (Beneath the Bird-Cherries)
3 Songs: I. Under haggarna (Beneath the Bird-Cherries)
Ecouter 3 Songs: II. I folkviseton (In Ballad Form)
3 Songs: II. I folkviseton (In Ballad Form)
Ecouter 3 Songs: II. Mot norr (To the North)
3 Songs: II. Mot norr (To the North)
Ecouter 3 Songs: II. Varluft (Spring)
3 Songs: II. Varluft (Spring)
Ecouter 3 Songs: III. I vimmel och vammel (Among Crowds and Bustle)
3 Songs: III. I vimmel och vammel (Among Crowds and Bustle)
Ecouter 3 Songs: III. Mitt hjarta behover ett litet barn (My Heart Needs a Little Child)
3 Songs: III. Mitt hjarta behover ett litet barn (My Heart Needs a Little Child)
Ecouter 3 Songs: III. Syreners doft (Scent of the Lilacs)
3 Songs: III. Syreners doft (Scent of the Lilacs)
Ecouter 6 Songs: I. En visa (A Song)
6 Songs: I. En visa (A Song)
Ecouter 6 Songs: II. Ensam under fastet (Alone Beneath the Sky)
6 Songs: II. Ensam under fastet (Alone Beneath the Sky)
Ecouter 6 Songs: III. Hembygdens skonhet (Neighbourhood Beauty)
6 Songs: III. Hembygdens skonhet (Neighbourhood Beauty)
Ecouter 6 Songs: IV. Stjarnan (The Star)
6 Songs: IV. Stjarnan (The Star)
Ecouter 6 Songs: V. I min gungande bat (In My Rocking Boat)
6 Songs: V. I min gungande bat (In My Rocking Boat)

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