Accueil > Artistes > Musique Chorale et Vocale > Robert Craft > Stravinsky: Firebird (the) / Petrushka (stravinsky, Vol. 2)

Robert Craft

Stravinsky: Firebird (the) / Petrushka (stravinsky, Vol. 2)

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The Firebird (original version): Introduction
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Night. Kastchei's Enchanted Garden
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Firebird enters, pursued by Ivan Tsarevich
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Firebird's Dance
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Firebird begs to be released
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Entrance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Princesses play with the golden apples (Scherzo)
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Ivan Tsarevich appears
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Princesses' Khorovod (Round Dance)
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Daybreak
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Ivan Tsarevich, entering Kastchei's palace...
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The entrance of Kastchei the Immortal
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Dialogue between Kastchei and Ivan Tsarevich
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Princesses plead for mercy
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Firebird enters
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Dance of Kastchei's retinue under the Firebird's magic spell
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Infernal Dance of Kastchei and his subjects under the Firebird's magic spell
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: The Firebird's Lullaby
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Kastchei awakens
The Firebird (original version): Scene I: Kastchei's death
The Firebird (original version): Scene II: Kastchei's spell is broken, his palace disappears, and the Petrified Knights return to life. General Thanksgiving....
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau I: The Shrove-Tide Fair
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau I: The Mountebank
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau I: Russian Dance
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau II: In Petrushka's Cell (Impetuoso)
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau III: The Blackamoor
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau III: The Ballerina
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau III: Valse - Ballerina and Blackamoor (Lento cantabile)
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: The Shrove-Tide Fair
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: The Dance of the Wet-Nurses
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Peasant with Bear
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Gypsies and a Rake Vendor
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Dance of the Coachmen
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Masqueraders
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: The Scuffle (Blackmoor and Petrushka)
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Death of Petrushka
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Police and the Juggler
Petrushka (1948 version): Tableau IV: Vociferation of Petrushka's Ghost

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