Accueil > Artistes > Marika Lombardi > Créations

Marika Lombardi


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Ecouter Die alte Weise (2013), for oboe and piano
Die alte Weise (2013), for oboe and piano
Ecouter Aulodie nell'aura (2014), for flute and oboe
Aulodie nell'aura (2014), for flute and oboe
Ecouter Brume d'anches (2013), for oboe and accordion: I. - II.
Brume d'anches (2013), for oboe and accordion: I. - II.
Ecouter Brume d'anches (2013), for oboe and accordion: III.
Brume d'anches (2013), for oboe and accordion: III.
Ecouter Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): I. Allegro furioso
Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): I. Allegro furioso
Ecouter Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): II. Adagio. Andante
Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): II. Adagio. Andante
Ecouter Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): III. Allegretto moderato
Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): III. Allegretto moderato
Ecouter Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): IV. Andante. Presto
Sonata for oboe and piano (2008): IV. Andante. Presto
Ecouter Sweet and go (2013), for oboe
Sweet and go (2013), for oboe
Ecouter Gondwana (2014) for oboe, violin, viola, cello and double-bass
Gondwana (2014) for oboe, violin, viola, cello and double-bass
Ecouter Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: I. Andante
Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: I. Andante
Ecouter Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: II. Lento
Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: II. Lento
Ecouter Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: III. Allegro
Oboe Sonata (2012), for oboe and piano: III. Allegro
Ecouter Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: I. Licht (Moderato)
Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: I. Licht (Moderato)
Ecouter Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: II. Schatten (Adagio)
Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: II. Schatten (Adagio)
Ecouter Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: III. Bäume (Largo)
Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: III. Bäume (Largo)
Ecouter Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: IV. See (Andantino)
Hauptstimmen (2013), for oboe: IV. See (Andantino)
Ecouter Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): I.
Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): I.
Ecouter Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): II.
Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): II.
Ecouter Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): III.
Trio for oboe, cello and piano (2013): III.
Ecouter E-mail (2012), for oboe: I. Libre et non avenu...
E-mail (2012), for oboe: I. Libre et non avenu...
Ecouter E-mail (2012), for oboe: II. Cantabile
E-mail (2012), for oboe: II. Cantabile
Ecouter E-mail (2012), for oboe: III. Volubile et précis
E-mail (2012), for oboe: III. Volubile et précis
Ecouter E-mail (2012), for oboe: IV. Cantabile et scherzando
E-mail (2012), for oboe: IV. Cantabile et scherzando
Ecouter Bonus: Improvisation by Marika Lombardi
Bonus: Improvisation by Marika Lombardi

Marika Lombardi, c'est aussi...

Marika Lombardi

Marika Lombardi
English Music for Oboe and Piano

Charts in France

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