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John Adams

John Adams:the Death Of Klinghoffer

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Prologue: Chorus Of Exiled Palestinians (lp Version)
Prologue: Chorus Of Exiled Jews (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: The Captain: "it Was Just After One Fifteen" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: Swiss Grandmother: "my Grandson Didi, Who Was Two" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: Molqui: "give These Orders" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: Swiss Grandmother: "so I Said To My Grandson" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: Mamoud: "we Are Sorry For You" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 1: Ocean Chorus (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: Mamoud: "now It Is Night" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: The Captain: "i Think If You Could Talk Like This" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: The Captain: "i Have Often Reflected That This Is No Ship" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: Austrian Woman: "i Kept My Distance" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: Mamoud: "those Birds Flying Above Us" (lp Version)
Act 1, Scene 2: Night Chorus (lp Version)
Act Ii: Hagar Chorus (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 1: Molqi: "come Here. Look." (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene I: Leon Klinghoffer: "i've Never Been A Violent Man" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene I: Rambo: "you Are Always Complaining Of Your Suffering" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene I: British Dancing Girl: "i Must Have Been Hysterical" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene I: Omar: "it Is As If Our Earthly Life Were Spent Miserably" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 1: Desert Chorus (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 2: Marilyn Klinghoffer: "my One Consolation" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 2: Klinghoffer's Death (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 2: Mamoud: "every Fifteen Minutes, One More Will Be Shot" (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 2: Aria Of The Falling Body (gymnopedie) (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 2: Day Chorus (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 3: The Captain: "mrs. Klinghoffer, Please Sit Down." (lp Version)
Act Ii, Scene 3: Marilyn Klinghoffer: "you Embraced Them!" (lp Version)

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