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John Adams

John Adams: Music From "nixon In China"

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Act I, Scene 1: (beginning)
Act I, Scene 1: "soldiers Of Heaven Hold The Sky'
Act I, Scene 1: "the People Are The Heroes Now"
Act I, Scene 1: Landing Of The Spirit Of '76
Act I, Scene 1: "your Flight Was Smooth, I Hope?"
Act I, Scene 1: "news Has A Kind Of Mystery:"
Act I, Scene 3: "ladies And Gentlemen, Comrades And Friends,"
Act I, Scene 3: "mr. Premier, Distinguished Guests,"
Act I, Scene 3: Cheers
Act Ii, Scene 1: "this Is Prophetic!"
Act Ii, Scene 1: "at Least The Weather's Warming Up."
Act Ii, Scene 1: (beginning)
Act Ii, Scene 2: "oh What A Day I Thought I'd Die!"
Act Ii, Scene 2: "whip Her To Death!"
Act Ii, Scene 2: Tropical Storm
Act Ii, Scene 2: "i Am The Wife Of Mao Tse-Tung

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