Accueil > Artistes > Joel Bardolet > Intertwined Paths

Joel Bardolet

Intertwined Paths

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Fantasie n. 7 in E-flat Major for violin, TWV 40:20 (1735) - Dolce
‘Signs, messages and games’ (1961-2005) - Hommage à J. S. Bach
Fantasie n. 7 in E-flat Major for violin, TWV 40:20 (1735) - Allegro
‘Signs, messages and games’ (1961-2005) - In Nomine - all'ongherese
Fantasie n. 7 in E-flat Major for violin, TWV 40:20 (1735) - Largo
‘Signs, messages and games’ (1961-2005) - Doloroso
Fantasie n. 7 in E-flat Major for violin, TWV 40:20 (1735) - Presto
‘Signs, messages and games’ (1961-2005) - Népdalféle
‘El inabastable perfil’ for violin and piano (2015)
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Interweave
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Turn around
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Up and down
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Spread out
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Descending
“Intertwined Paths”, six pieces for violin (2001-2002) - Taking turns
“Spiegel im Spiegel” for violin and piano (1978)
Tre pezzi per violino e pianoforte, op. 14E (1979) - O?d und traurig
Tre pezzi per violino e pianoforte, op. 14E (1979) - Vivo
Tre pezzi per violino e pianoforte, op. 14E (1979) - Aus der Ferne
“J2728A - LOST” for violin and cello (2016)

Joel Bardolet, c'est aussi...

Joel Bardolet
Intertwined Paths

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