Accueil > Artistes > Musique Chorale et Vocale > Jean-Claude Malgoire > Handel: Great Choruses From The Messiah

Jean-Claude Malgoire

Handel: Great Choruses From The Messiah

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Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 1 - Sinfonia (Overture)
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 1 - Sinfonia (Overture)
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 4 - And the glory of the Lord
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 4 - And the glory of the Lord
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 7 - And He shall purify
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 7 - And He shall purify
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 12 - For unto us a child is born
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 12 - For unto us a child is born
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 17 - Glory to God in the highest
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 17 - Glory to God in the highest
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 21 - His Yoke is easy, and his burthen is light
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 21 - His Yoke is easy, and his burthen is light
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 22 - Behold the Lamb of God
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 22 - Behold the Lamb of God
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 24 - Surely he hath borne our griefs
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 24 - Surely he hath borne our griefs
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 26 - All we like sheep have gone astray
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 26 - All we like sheep have gone astray
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 35 - Let all the angels of God worship him
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 35 - Let all the angels of God worship him
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 37 - The Lord gave the word
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 37 - The Lord gave the word
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 41 - Let us break their bonds asunder
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 41 - Let us break their bonds asunder
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 44 - Hallelujah
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 44 - Hallelujah
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 53 - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 53 - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/Amen
Great Choruses from The Messiah/Amen
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 9 - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 9 - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 51 - But thanks to God
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 51 - But thanks to God
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 46 - Since by man came death
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 46 - Since by man came death
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 13 - Pifa ("Pastoral Symphony")
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 13 - Pifa ("Pastoral Symphony")
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 33 - Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 33 - Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 25 - And with his stripes we are healed
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 25 - And with his stripes we are healed
Ecouter Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 28 - He trusted in God
Great Choruses from The Messiah/No. 28 - He trusted in God

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