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Atlanta Chamber Players

Conversations: A 20th Anniversary Salute To American Composers

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Ecouter Conversations - Prologue: Allegro con spirito (David Amram)
Conversations - Prologue: Allegro con spirito (David Amram)
Ecouter Conversations - Lullabye (David Amram)
Conversations - Lullabye (David Amram)
Ecouter Conversations - Theme And Variations (David Amram)
Conversations - Theme And Variations (David Amram)
Ecouter November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Introduction: Schubert crosses into the next world (John Harb
November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Introduction: Schubert crosses into the next world (John Harb
Ecouter November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Suite: Schubert finds himself in a hall of mirrors (John Harb
November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Suite: Schubert finds himself in a hall of mirrors (John Harb
Ecouter November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Rondo: Schubert recalls a rondo fragment from 1816 (John Harb
November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Rondo: Schubert recalls a rondo fragment from 1816 (John Harb
Ecouter November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Fugue: Schubert continues the fugue subject (S-C-H-U-B-E-R-T)
November 19, 1828 - Hallucination in Four Episodes for Piano and String Trio - Fugue: Schubert continues the fugue subject (S-C-H-U-B-E-R-T)
Ecouter Sextet - Allero Vivace (Aaron Copeland)
Sextet - Allero Vivace (Aaron Copeland)
Ecouter Sextet - Lento (Aaron Copeland)
Sextet - Lento (Aaron Copeland)
Ecouter Sextet - Finale: Precise and rhythmic (Aaron Copeland)
Sextet - Finale: Precise and rhythmic (Aaron Copeland)
Ecouter Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo misterioso - Allegro (Ned Rorem)
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo misterioso - Allegro (Ned Rorem)
Ecouter Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo (Ned Rorem)
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo (Ned Rorem)
Ecouter Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Andante (Ned Rorem)
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Andante (Ned Rorem)
Ecouter Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo misterioso (Ned Rorem)
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano - Largo misterioso (Ned Rorem)

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